brand essence

Integrated Results Begin Within

Innovative leaders recognize the value of an integrated brand.
Brave leaders perform the work necessary to truly accomplish it.

We help them do so by applying an authentic approach to brand alignment. Together, we break through barriers to identifying the brand gaps that exist within every organization. We say brave, because this process begins with the (brand) leader, and then we work our way out from there.

Accurately identifying brand gaps is crucial to success because we use them—combined with related opportunities—to create highly-tailored client solutions. Successful implementation of these solutions holds the key to significant growth: authentic brand differentiation.

›  BRAND AUTHENTICATION: Research, Assessment & Review”]Most leaders have specific ideas (we call them claims) of what they want their company to mean to themselves, their employees, their customers and all other constituents experiencing the brand. We call it a company’s brand echo.

We challenge brave leaders to authenticate these claims against the brand echo for accuracy. Together, we achieve this through brand authentication:

  • Perform truly anonymous qualitative & quantitative research that is easy for constituent group members
  • Gather, translate & present comprehensive assessment report identifying gaps, opportunities & initial strategic applications
  • Review, present & discuss report findings with each constituent group for further insights into brand
  • Draft, present & discuss executive-level brand authentication report with recommendations

›  BRAND ALIGNMENT: Strategic Plan Development
With findings from Brand Authentication process, we have what is required to develop a strategic plan for Brand Alignment using the inside/out approach:

  • Fill in the gaps & explore how to maximize opportunities across the organization
  • Work with leadership team to translate findings into strategic application within individual departments
  • Model strategic business scenarios for testing & implementation
  • Create an updated strategic plan that aligns with specific company vision, mission & performance goals
  • Develop education, training & coaching materials necessary to set up leadership for departmental plan adoption

›  BRAND INTEGRATION: Change Management & Operational Schedules.
With an updated strategic plan, clients are now empowered with high level direction that must manifest within your organization in order to succeed. Here’s how we help with the heavy lifting that many leadership teams struggle with:

  • Translate the necessary operational work within each area of the company through the support of the leadership team & departmental employees
  • Use latest technologies including cloud and online tools to integrate with existing systems for easy operations management
  • Support managers in guiding change by developing appropriate, turn-key change management materials needed for success
  • Increase successful adoption by gaining buy-in from all constituents upfront & incorporating their business needs from the start
  • Facilitate smooth change management by incorporating process within operational schedules that are reviewed & approved across the entire organization

›   BRAND OPTIMIZATION: Coaching, Training & Bootcamp
Since, according to many experts, around 70% of change management initiatives fail, we’ve built an armor-proof framework that ensures our clients land within the 30% success category. Here’s where the ‘not if, but how’ rubber meets the road by us doing what it takes for successful results:

  • Physically onsite to support at all levels of implementation during brand integration & optimization
  • Build in ‘failures’ and train for how to turn them into successes
  • Deliver initial, on-demand training packaged within company-specific operations
  • Optimize, modify & customize training to incorporate actual lessons learned from ‘failures’ turned into successes
  • Perform Brand Bootcamps to coincide with certain benchmarks & evaluate effectiveness of brand-specific training & overall brand work

FULL BRAND OVERHAUL: Comprehensive Brand Solutions
Each of the above modules was designed to stand alone by using existing client brand data or by us filling in with unchallenged brand claims. This way, our work doesn’t require an all-or-nothing engagement.

However, we have found the greatest results are achieved by allowing us to perform a complete brand overhaul using our full suite of services. That’s only if its needed. Some brands know ‘thineselves’ better than others.

AD HOC PROJECTS: Advertising/Marketing, Operations, Product Management, and Business Development
We understand that not every leader is in a position to place focus on how much further they can go using integrated branding. Most are heads down running successful businesses which requires daily deliverables that achieve desired results.

If you need resources to help ensure success in your existing scopes of work, we are available to explore ad hoc work. With our professional training and proven expertise in the below areas, we are capable of and committed to exceeding results you require:

  • Branding, Marketing & Advertising (Digital & Traditional)
  • Leadership staffing, training & recruiting
  • Organizational Development & Change Management
  • Program/Project Management
  • Partnership/Distribution Management
  • New Business & Strategic Planning/Development